Woke up to warm temps & Sunshine. Had my morning coffee, which gets me motivated and the energy to get going
My PA arrived around 11.30 and assisted me with personal needs and then we went outside for fresh air & sunshine. My Vit D is low even though I'm taking Vit supplements so on nice days I'm to get outside for a bit
Time goes by fast when I'm outside as I truly love being outside. Then it was back inside to do my physical therapy (which I am not fond of but I know it’s a must to keep my muscles functioning) Best part is after it’s over I get a good massage! It takes me time and we have to go slow as I get wore out very easily.
PA got me my afternoon cup of coffee, fixed my dinner and it was time for her leave and it was time for a much need nap for me! I woke up around 8 PM! I must of been more exhausted than I realized. Took my bedtime meds, ate my snack. Once again it’s time to say …