Miami, FL
This morning we got up and went with the group of RVers to Panera Bread for breakfast. Hubby and I shared a huge Cinnamon Roll. After leaving there we headed to the Holocaust Musuem.
The entrance and a quote from Anne Frank “Then In Spite of Everything, I Still Believe that people are really good at heart”
This turtle was swimming in the pond
This wall started with the history of the Holocaust
then this long wall went on with illustrations of things that happened during the Holocaust
It’s hard to see but Poland lost 1,000,000 Jews.
This scripture was on the was as you rounded a corner “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me Psalm XXIII
This hall way was blocked of off
Then came another wall of the millions that lost their lives
This wall had 57 different ones that was full with names
This beautiful water lily was blooming
another statue
another Anne Frank quote behind this sculpture “Ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us only to meet the horrible truth and be shattered”
This bird was enjoying a beautiful day
At the end of the musuem this tribute to the those who lost their lives
In memory of
the six million
Jewish victims of
the Holocaust
this statue sat in the middle of the pond
the beautiful trees you walk under while seeing the wall with all those who lost their lives
This bench is dedicated to those who created this memorial in 1989
as you leave the memorial this is the last statue that you see
Hubby and I in front of the pond
The group of RVers L – R Hubby, Ray, Bev Mark, Dixie, Peggy, Dave, Margie and Jim
This is a very sad place but it’s also very humbling. It’s a place that will tear at your heart to see what these Jews suffered.
Pictures of the outside of the Museum
Several times while driving and at the museum we seen the bikers, they were doing some kind of event.
After leaving the museum we headed to Miami South Beach
these boats are babies compared to the ones we passed on our way to South Miami, we saw some huge house boats or yachts what ever they call them.
We took a walk along the walk way along the beach
We saw boats ..
a Pelican
High rises
beautiful palm trees
This is the city of Miami .. it was a bit foggy
another boat
a duck
People enjoying the beach
Yes i even took my shoes off and was in the water. My first time seeing the Atlantic Ocean!! What can i say, i was so excited!! The water was chilly the first time i put my feet in but it wasn’t long it felt good
This beach is not kept clean like i thought it would be. There was trash and seaweed on it. The water is beautiful and more blue then green like the Gulf of Mexico
This beach is called South Pointe Beach and Park
on our walk back people were eating lunch
After walking the beach we were all getting hungry again so we headed to Bayside .. on our drive over we got to see the cruise ships that were docked
We went by the American Airlines Arena
which is the home of the Miami Heat
I love the road here .. well the design .. definitely not the traffic!!
We arrived at Bayside and it cost 10 bucks to park in their parking lot. Everywhere you go here you either have to pay for metered parking or their outrageous parking fees.
Christopher Columbus welcomed us
this neat looking boat sat in the bay
all kinds of transportation the hop on hop off
hard rock cafe
We didn’t go to hard rock, we decided on bourbon chicken, fried egg rice and veggies and it was wonderful, this is the view we had on the deck we ate on
they also had boat rides, one was a speed boat and the other
Island Queen .. we passed as we have a boat ride planned (more on that later)
They had this huge neat tree, it’s called a Banyan Tree, it measures over 75 feet tall and is about 100 years old. The tree’s roots descend from the branches and once on the ground will develop into another trunk. Native to India many Banyan tree seedlings were imported to South Florida in the late 1800’s. These trees can grow up to 100 feet in height and live approximately 1,000 years.
Bubba Gump which was famous in Forest Gump.
another neat looking boat
lots of little shops .. such a huge variety and a huge flea market
this tourist boat was coming in to dock right in front of us. Right before it got close we were watching a Manatee
It was another great day and it was great to spend it with such wonderful RVers
We had a great day!
Happy Summer!!

Wherever Home is Parked?

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Holocaust Museum and South Pointe Park
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