Happy Summer!!

Happy Summer!!

Wherever Home is Parked?

Wherever Home is Parked?

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Happy Birthday to me!!

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Today I turned 51 and at times it feels like 71?  I started my day as any other day with my morning coffee & trying to get myself moving before my PA showed up.  Wow, it’s going to be a humid hot day! 

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I’m not complaining about the heat as I personally prefer the heat over the cold but this cute meme says it best on how many are probably feeling, esp those who work outside.

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I’m grateful for the beautiful sunshine day to celebrate my b'day, I got to see both my children & grandchildren spent the night with Grammy.  Just disappointed with some thing I learned today.  

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Today’s inspiration is what I'm holding tight today.  I know we live in a imperfect world, imperfect choices & forgiveness is something we must do but we do not have to  induce ourselves to others bad choices in life & it’s just something we have to learn to accept no matter how disappointed we are.  All I can do is pray & leave it in God’s hands, have faith that my God will take care of the person & in the end all things will bring about good for his will.  So for now I will always Love the person I know they truly are, just not the person they are choosing to be at this point in their life .. Instead I choose to distance myself & ….

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and remind myself of this ….

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I was blessed to get so many b'day wishes on fb & it was nice when I finally logged in for the day to feel loved. Though today I felt like I'm always the one who has to be the bad guy in situations that needed to be said or done. 

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