Not really much is going on with us .. i got up this morning to an evasion of squirrels eating the bird seed i put out. My neighbor Arnett loves to watch birds and her husband George hung up the feeders and the birds were missing the feed. Another neighbor Cora donated some bird feed and i filled the feeders. (Thanks Cora) The birds were in heaven … that is until this morning …
My lens kept fogging up because it’s so nice and cool inside but hot and humid outside. But you can see the evasion.
This squirrel found him a great hiding spot while the others were fighting.
Later Lexi chased the squirrels away and the birds returned. Plus it’s really hot and humid right now so i think the squirrels are waiting for a cooler time to return ?
I also made up some hummingbird feed and hung my feeder as i had spotted a couple. Sorry it wasn’t a good picture but all that i could get.
I transplanted this plant, not sure how long i will leave it in this pot. It was in with another plant and needed it’s own space. As you can see by the picture below this plant is expanding and taking over the entire pot.
My rose bush is getting new buds and the flowers (don’t recall what they are) are really blooming and looking beautiful. I can view all of these out of my dining window. Even the birds.
It’s been really hot and humid with rain off and on here. So the past 2 days have been spent indoors. I’ve taken advantage of moving my laptop to the table so that i can play and watch the birds. I have found i really like watching the birds and the squirrels. The squirrels are out in the morning and late afternoon.