Today is my b’day and NO I'm not going to give you my age. Ladies do not give their age :) Let’s just say I'm past the half way point of turning closer to a bigger number.
We still haven’t had any rain but on the other side the tempature has cooled down to being bearable. In fact sitting outside in the evenings is perfect! I love sitting outside reading a good book. I hadn’t been able to do that lately. So it was a great way to spend my b’day evening :))
Hubby has been fever free today and so far no reactions to his new antibiotic's :)) His knee and calf is still swollen and if he moves around to much it goes into the foot and toes. Although he is starting to get camper fever so maybe that is a good sign :) I am feeling better and just having a few chest pains here and there but so far no dizziness or light headedness.