It was another beautiful day with warm temps and a day to be outside and enjoy the weather. I was still kind of down in the dumps thinking about my babies but my other babies reminded me they were here to comfort me. I decided I needed to get out and of course these 2 are always willing to get outside on a warm day.
The dogs love riding and running with the Golf Cart. Since it was another beautiful day here at Twin Lakes we did both. Normally I let them run after me when I take the trash to the dumpster and since they’ve been pretty good off their leashes we decided to try something new.
I took the dogs over to the lake without their leash ..
Roo goes in first to try it out
Lexi puts her front paws in and that is her extent of enjoying the water
Roo gets braver and finds a stick she wants to fetch in the water
I barely throw it at the edge and she barks at me .. you want to go in deeper?
Yep she does but waste deep was as far as she would go to fetch the stick .. she had a great time and Lexi wanted no part of it
After a long hard day of running, playing they were exhausted tonight and this how they spent their evening. Dinner tonight was left overs from last night of Chicken and noodles. The evening is being spent watching Duck Dynasty and relaxing as I’m exhausted from this crud and not sleeping well.