I have decided that i am going to try to make 2 different post each day. One will be our journey in life as we travel around the country seeing God’s beauty. The other is going to be on my devotional time with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I know some of my followers are not Christians and so that is why i am separating the Two. Although i would like for you to read what i write but i am not one to push my religious beliefs on someone else. I respect your choices in life.
Last night my devotional time was spent reading 1 peter chapters 3 & 4. God spoke to my heart as i studied these scriptures. These scriptures were written for how husband and wives should respect and honor each other. How our beauty should not show on the outside but instead we should have inner beauty. God spoke to me through these scriptures. That myself as a Christians should live for God. That yes I will be judged by others who chose to live for sin. Even though I will go through turmoil and my life will have distress I should still continue to live as Christ did. Christ lived for good and not evil. That the end of time is nearing and I need to be clear minded and self-controlled so that I can pray to our Lord and Savior. I should use the gift God has given me to better serve others. I felt God telling me that he will give me the strength i need to continue to serve him. That I am not to be ashamed of the trials that i have suffered or will suffer in the future. But that I am to rejoice and be proud that that Satan feels the need to attack me because of my strength and my choice to bear Christ name as I walk close to God by obeying my Lord and Savior. Joy will overcome me when i see his glory revealed. Judgment begins with the family of God and if it begins with me, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey God. It is a hard walk for the righteous, but just think what the outcome is for those who refuse Christ and remain a sinner. God’s word tells me that as a child of his i should continue to submit myself and be faithful to my creator and continue to do good works for him.
I do not know what lays ahead of me right now. All i do know is that i will continue my daily walk with my Lord and Savior, my wonderful Savior who more precious then any gold. My almighty God who is my blessed redeemer. I will rejoice and be glad to shout to the world as God continues to give me knowledge and strength to fight what ever Satan may throw at me.