The sun is shining and I’m determined no matter what to make it a good day. I woke up & enjoyed my morning coffee, then I did a little bible study (which always makes me look at things differently)
This popped up on my fb this morning. I sat & ponder this? Gives new meaning to prayer & being thankful??
My PA came, got my shower & took my walk. I look forward to the days I get to go on a walk. It feels great to be able to get out of the house and I enjoy the walk as much as my dogs do. I love spending time outside but the heat is just too much for my MS. My sister in law came over later and I went outside, I stayed outside too long as the heat just saps all my energy. It get’s frustrating that the weather can control how you feel. humid, hot weather exhaust me, wet, cold causes me severe pain? Yet I’m stuck in it all. Due to being wheelchair bound, there is no way I can travel in the home on wheels. If only …
I’ve been up & down most of the night .. not feeling well