I sure didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. It’s was a ruff night for me with a hurting back. Lots of tossing and turning and not being able to get comfortable. I woke up to the same back pain. Unfortunately I had to make myself get up although I have to admit, I didn’t do much other then snuggle in a warm blanket.
Oh my it’s starting to feel like winter!! Look at my weather bug and it’s the afternoon!!! Me O My I sure do wonder how I am ever going to survive these long days of cold temps.
It’s looking like it’s not going to get any better the next few days! Their saying cold and rain which is not a good combination for me!! I know it will be great being home with the family for both the holidays. The grand kids are excited about spending both holidays with us. Hailey was little the last time we were home for Christmas and Toby has only spent one Thanksgiving with us a few years ago. It’s been 8 years since we’ve been home for Christmas! Although I have to admit I am not looking forward to the Christmas shopping that we must do this year. Hailey has already started making her Christmas wish list. She has already started looking where we can put up the Christmas tree in the house.
My afternoon was spent lounging around just trying to stay warm. The same with my evening. I spent the entire day curled up in a blanket reading a book. Dinner was left over spaghetti that I made Saturday night for dinner.