I woke up early as it’s been a ruff night sleep. I think we have both worried about our baby Lucy. I called a little after 7 am to check on her and they said she had a ruff night and was still on heavy pain medication and strong antibiotic fluids for her infection. She had drank a few sips of water but she still wasn’t out of the woods yet. I have to call back later in the afternoon to check on her.
It’s really cold here. I woke up and it was 34 degrees and it’s after lunch and only 35 degrees! Brrr .. were spent the day snuggled inside waiting to hear about our baby.
I called at 2 pm and they said Lucy was doing better and to call back around 5 pm so i did. When i called at 5 pm they said Lucy was doing much better and could go home. So we got dressed and headed to get our baby girl. Here she is all settled and resting at home in her favorite chair next to her daddy.
Here is what her sore tummy looks like. As you can see it’s going to be a chore keeping it clean as her tummy drags the ground when walks.
We got home around 8 pm and were glad to have her home. I spent the rest of the evening looking online at some places to go in Florida. In March we are heading to Florida for a wedding and we have talked about traveling to the Everglades, Keys if we don’t do that area, were thinking to head up toward Daytona Beach (after biker week of course) to Savannah Georgia and then thru the Carolina’s before we head back home to see the grandkids. Who knows where we will end up that is what is great about being full-time we write our plans in Jell-o and they can always be re-written.
Happy Summer!!

Wherever Home is Parked?